Dhirendra Mahila P.G College

Sundarpur,Near Pani Tanki, Varanasi, UP 221005


Dhirendra Mahila P.G. College – Innovations & best Practices

All the students and staff of Dhirendra Mahila P. G. College are eligible to access and use the library by following library rules and regulations.


Monday to Saturday 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.


Every person who enter the library will sign the visitor’s/gate entry register.


All the library members have partial open access to library documents. This facility is granted to library members to encourage their reading habits and promote maximum use of library documents.


  • Library card must be carried by the students while entering in the library.
  • Only 2 Books will issue each student.
  • Books will issue only for 15 days. After that the student must return the books. A late fee will be charged if the books are not returned within due date.
  • For delay in returning the books, fine will be charged @ Rs 1/- per day/per book.
  • Books must be kept at least 7 days.
  • Any member if found to be constantly irregular in returning books, his/her membership may be suspended for specified period at the discretion of the Librarian.
  • The following categories of Library materials will not be issued: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Newspapers, Magazines, Journals it may be only day issue.
  • The following categories of Library materials will not be issued: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Newspapers, Magazines, Journals it may be only day issue.
  • Students are advised not to exchange their Library Cards/Books
  • Students are advised not to borrow/Issue more than one copy of the same title.
  • Users must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing, otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage noticed at the time of return.
  • The users must use the Electric sources (lights and fans) economically. Switch on only which you need, and switch off at the time you leave, if unused.
  • Eatables & Beverages are not allowed inside the libr
  • Use of internet facility in the library is strictly for academic purpose only.
  • peaking on cell phone in the library is strictly prohibited.


Only 1 book will issue for day issue. Students have to return day issue book before 5:00 pm on the same day.

Library Reference Collection (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Newspapers, Magazines, and Journals) will only day issue.

Any member failing to return the borrowed book(s) or other resource within same day shall be charged @ Rs. 5.00 per day as late fine.


Loss of Library barcode shall have to be reported immediately to the Librarian. A duplicate library barcode may be issued on payment of @ Rs. 20.00 only.


In case, the book have loss or damage then a replacement copy (being latest edition at the time of loss) at her own expense, or undertake to pay the current market price of the latest edition of the lost item; in addition to 10% processing fee and also fines due till the day that the loss is reported along with a duplicate library bar code charge @ Rs.20.00.


Personal Laptop will be allowed inside the library but the users will maintain such an environment which will not disturb the others.

Computers and Internet will be used only for academic purposes.

Library in charge