Department of Physics
The department of Physics at Faculty of Science in DMPGC has come into existence on 1st July, 2017 under the able leadership of Honourable Shri Ravindra Jaiswal (Minister of State, independent charge, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh) with a vision to impart Quality and Sustainable Education in the field of Science and technology (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology and computer science) to girls and women of U.P. and nearby states of India
Vision and Mission
1. Vision – To build a foundation for excellence and encourage the development of the Institution as a premier Institution by igniting and promoting enthusiasm, interests and passion, in the study of Physics, in professional courses, as a part of curriculum.
2. Mission – Provide a standard level of education in the field of core physics to the students and promote them to professional courses. Provide students with basic skills in solving problems in scientific and technical area of interest. Promoting scientific research in student’s creativity. To nurture the innovative capabilities of students by providing them with a scientific platform and exposure to current technologies.
Physics Laboratory

Department of Chemistry
Department of Zoology
- . To impart holistic understanding of Zoology by “redefining Zoology” to students of every age so that they develop interest in Science.
- To develop teaching and research programmes that has relevance to the society and employability.
- To continuously evaluate our performance against National and International benchmarks and to develop dynamic programmes according to the need of the society leading to global tie-ups to meet our stakeholder students’ requirements. .
- Academic Calendar of teaching and learning process well in advance of sessions
- Student centric learning through extensive use of ICT tools
- Blending learning with e-resources through available free access to Library internet
- Shown videos and simulations for biological phenomena
- For experiential learning -Mandatory practical class -hands on experience in various techniques
- Field and project work in more than 90% courses
- Students are encouraged to discuss recent developments with the faculty members
- Students are encouraged for seminar presentations
- Exposing the students to internationally as well as nationally renowned scientists
- For student evaluation we conduct internal assessment test during mid semester and finally end of semester exam.
- For slow learners- encourage students to meet the teachers in spare time to clear their doubts. If need be extra classes are organized.
Vision and Mission
To develop a world class center of excellence in education, training & research in the field of Zoology where teaching and research encrust detailed understanding from microbes to human.
Department of Botany